Sixth Form Course Information

Why Choose Us?

Gillingham Sixth Form is a fun, vibrant learning environment packed full of fantastic resources. We believe we are a happy fun-loving but purposeful Sixth Form, one in which you will develop a sense of responsibility within a secure framework, and achieve your very best by being encouraged to strive for the highest standards. Our aim is to see individuals striving for personal excellence, but also to help students to maintain a positive self-image and to grow as individuals.

If you are already a Gillingham student you will have a good idea what will be demanded of you and you will welcome and appreciate a new sense of freedom within clearly defined limits.

If you are thinking of applying from elsewhere then please contact us to arrange a visit to meet Sixth Formers and staff and sample the atmosphere for yourself.

Careers Education

At Gillingham School we aim to help every pupil develop high aspirations and consider a broad and ambitious range of careers. 

To see view the schools’ policy on careers and the programme of activities, please click here