Gillingham School recognises that the welfare of our students and staff is paramount. Safeguarding children is EVERYONE’S responsibility at Gillingham School and we must all be vigilant for the signs of neglect, physical, emotional and sexual abuse, radicalisation, FGM, forced marriage and so forth; staff should also ensure that they act in a way that safeguards themselves at all times.
The statutory guidance from the DFE issued under Section 175 of the Education Act 2002 states that all schools and colleges must have a clear and transparent safeguarding process
Senior teachers and those directly involved in the Pastoral System are trained in Safeguarding to the required level. In addition, all staff receive regular safeguarding training and updates.
Please see our Statutory policies for schools for further details & information
Key Safeguarding Staff:
C Gordon Assistant Headteacher | Designated Safeguarding Lead | |
Rachael Wright Josie Brocksom Danielle Gordge Zowie Crocker Simmone Shearn Jo Stirk Tara Whyntie Hannah Lister | Deputy Safeguarding Officer | |

Safeguarding Newsletter
Parent and Carer Letter about Kooth. Online Mental Health and Wellbeing Support
Private Fostering
What private fostering is
- Private fostering is when a child under the age of 16 (or 18 if disabled) lives with someone for 28 days or more who is not a:
- close relative such as a grandparent, sibling, uncle or aunt or step-parent
- guardian
- person with parental responsibility
You must inform Dorset Council if you know about a child that is being or going to be privately fostered. By law, the council must know of any arrangement. Dorset’s Children’s Services can then make sure the arrangement is suitable.
For more information, please check:,sure%20the%20arrangement%20is%20suitable
Or contact DSL Colin Gordon at school.
Statutory Policies links:
Support and Guidance for Parents
E Safety
Parent Zone Online information site offering free parental resources on a range of topics. Includes online advice regarding live-streaming safety, how to protect your children from grooming on games such as Fortnite or Yubo and how to help your child manage their screen time.
Thinkuknow The National Crime Agency Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command (NCA-CEOP) have developed this programme. It offers up to date, expert advice for children and their adults across a range of issues such as how to live stream safely and ways to monitor your child’s digital security.
Safe Schools & Communities The Safe Schools & Communities Team (SSCT) is a partnership between Dorset Police and the Dorset Combined Youth Offending Service, with a remit to prevent and reduce anti-social behaviour, crime and wrong-doing amongst children and young people, and help keep them safe in a digital world.
Support Services
Dorset Police