
At Gillingham School we place great value on school uniform, the uniform applies to Year 7-11, with a separate code for the Sixth Form. It is an integral part of our school and reflects the values and culture of our school.

Wearing Gillingham School uniform is central to;

  • Building a sense of pride among staff, students and parents, as well as the local community.
  • Important in setting the tone for the attitudes and values in our school.
  • Uniform is an outward expression to seek to instil pride and ambition in our students.
  • Minimising distractions as students are all wearing the same clothing, allowing the focus to be on learning. Ensuring pressures of deciding what to wear and meeting the social expectations of peers is removed.  A key finding of the 2021 study on school uniform by the EEF stated that pupils attire should ‘reflect the value and culture of the school’ which is the overriding objective of our policy.
  • Uniform is important in promoting a sense of belonging in school, which is vital to student wellbeing.

Most items on the school uniform code are of a standard colour, and are available to purchase from a variety of retailers and supermarkets. Ties and badges for blazers can also be purchased from the school office or library. Other suppliers include:

National School Wear Centre, Yeovil
Squires of Shaftesbury
Earth Uniform – www.earthuniform.com Navigate to ‘Find my School’ and you will see Gillingham School

Second hand uniform is donated to local charity shops in Gillingham. In cases of financial hardship, please also get in contact with the relevant Head of Year.

The School Uniform Policy

All pupils must have

  • School Tie
  • Blue formal shirt with collar
  • Navy blue blazer for Years 7-9
  • Navy blue jumper or cardigan with the embroidered school crest for Years 10-11
  • Black tailored school trousers or navy blue pleated skirt worn knee-length (in periods of particularly hot weather, tailored black shorts will be permitted, decided by the school based on the weather conditions)
  • Dark charcoal or black socks or tights
  • Plain black footwear with no logos

Earrings must be appropriate for a place of work and not present a health and safety risk. They must be removed for PE lessons. Makeup, hair colour and style should also be appropriate for a place of work. No facial jewellery.

Exclusions to our uniform policy, which are not acceptable

  • Jeans, chinos, cargo, cropped skinny-fit trousers, leggings, tracksuit bottoms
  • Mini or tight fitting skirts
  • Hoodies or hooded garments
  • Canvas, open-toed, high or wedged heel shoes
  • Trainers
  • Socks white or coloured

PE Kit

It is essential that all students wear the correct kit for the activity they are taking part in. The following is a guide for the kit your child may need.

Whilst additional kit is optional, we recommend the following as basic kit:

  • Plain red sweatshirt or hoodie
  • Plain navy tracksuit bottoms/plain navy leggings
  • Base layers
  • Hats and gloves (optional for cold weather)

No large logos or stripes please as we want to reduce the pressure and indeed cost of wearing expensive branded garments.

During the winter months, it is vital your child is prepared for outdoor activities in weather which is often inclement and cold. Regrettably, the wearing of a coat is not allowed and to ensure the safety of your child and other children, all jewellery must be removed.

Outdoor Activities Kit

Trainers for astro and courts
Boots- required if your child’s curriculum involves rugby or football but they can also be used for cross-country.
White polo or T-shirt, plain navy shorts/skort
Long red socks
Reversible rugby top- only necessary for rugby
Shin pads
Gum shield

Indoor Activities Kit

White polo or T-shirt
Short white socks
Navy shorts/skort

Sixth Form

Sixth Form Students should dress smartly and appropriately for a working environment. It is important that Sixth
Form students should be sensitive to the rest of the school community and set an example to our younger
students. Our standard of dress is an important part of the culture of our Sixth Form.

The aim is for our Sixth Formers to have a smart appearance, which also allows a degree of personal choice.
However the school is a work place and student appearance should reflect that. Where there is uncertainty
decisions will be at the discretion of the Heads of Sixth Form. Students who attend school in inappropriate attire
may be requested to return home to change. With the following clear guidelines that should not be necessary.

AppropriateNot Appropriate
Tailored jackets / trousers
Smart jeans / trousers/skirts (no rips)
Dresses and skirts (midi/maxi length)
Shorts of an appropriate length
Smart T-shirts / shirts/blouses
Smart jumpers, cardigans, sweatshirts and hoodies (no hoods up in school)
Smart shoes, leather, smart canvass, trainers
Ear and nose piercings only
Inappropriate fashion such as halter neck tops (backless), bardot tops, tube tops, cropped tops (where a students mid-section is exposed), sheer/seethrough clothing.
Clothing with logos that may be considered offensive or inappropriate.
Mini skirts, short skirts/shorts, hot pants.
Jogging/tracksuit bottoms/combat trousers/sports shorts outside of PE activities.
Beach style footwear (flip flops or crocs)
Onesies/pyjamas or loungewear
Extreme piercings – no lips or eyebrow piercings.

If any member of staff considers a student’s clothing choices to be inappropriate they will address this in a sensitive manner and may request that they alter their clothing. The Sixth Form Team may send students home to get changed if their clothing is inappropriate.