Careers Curriculum
At Gillingham School we aim to help every pupil develop high aspirations and consider a broad and ambitious range of careers. Our careers curriculum includes:
Enterprise and Work Experience
We aim to inspire every pupil through real life contacts with the world of work, in order to help them to understand where different choices can take them in the future. To this end all our students undertake a week’s work experience in Year 10 and then again, in Year 12. This takes place at a wide range of local and not-so-local workplaces including: businesses, banks, libraries, offices, garages, hairdressers, schools and veterinary surgeries, to name but a few. The opportunity to experience a working environment first hand is invariably a valuable one.
We are committed to ensuring that students receive quality impartial advice and guidance related to subject choice and careers planning, from a broad range of sources. The school has a clear strategy for careers guidance which is linked to outcomes for students, with the aim of meeting the needs of all. This includes a variety of events and activities such as inspirational speakers from different areas of employment, careers fairs, trips to colleges and universities.
Students are encouraged to gain in confidence, to examine their strengths and weaknesses, set themselves targets and develop the ability to respond to learning opportunities and labour market trends.
Students will also have access to specialist, impartial support to expand advice and guidance on an individual basis, for each young person to be inspired and motivated to fulfil their potential.
Next Steps Evening
We have numerous events though out the year to support students in making choices about their future. Our Next Steps Evening is a careers fair designed to showcase all possible opportunities for a young person whether they choose to leave school after year 11 or after year 13. Whether they are thinking of employment after gaining vocational professional qualifications at college or whether they are interested in the graduate opportunities available after leaving university.
Careers Programme
The following document pulls all of the above elements together and itemises the activities and events that students have the opportunity to take part in, to help them develop their career aspirations. The policy provides the guiding principles behind the whole of Information Advice and Guidance delivery in the school. The provider access statement allows other education providers to see when we are running events that they can contribute to. Post-16 Your Future Sorted is a directory of education provided in Dorset who offer Apprenticeships, Support Apprenticeship, Traineeships, A Levels, T Levels and Vocational Courses and explains the benefits of each option.
Useful Links
Post-16 Your Future Sorted

The Careepilot Team: